Lunr Blog

Updates from the Lunr team, and analysis and guides on Engineering Content Management & BIM.


Updates to the Lunr BIM Viewer

We've recently added some new features to the BIM Viewer in Lunr. All users can now easily create Viewpoints and view property elements in the viewer without using specialist software.


What is BIM?

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is revolutionising the way we integrate building data into digital platforms.


Managing project data with Lunr

The Lunr project overview provides a simple dashboard reflecting document workflow status, while the reports area delivers system statistics to assist with management and planning.


Integrating Lunr with other systems

Unlocking the real power associated with your engineering content comes from integrations with other enterprise systems, leveraging more of your content and exposing documents to a wider audience.


Understanding asset hierarchy

Lunr manages both 2D and 3D engineering documents on the cloud and for most asset owners, it makes sense to contextualise this data within the organisation's asset hierarchy.


Managing BIM models with Lunr

The BIM space is moving quickly as many enterprise sites seek to incorporate models and IFCs into their working process.

Blazing-fast, super-secure, and trusted by engineering teams big and small

As the chosen partner of leading universities, utilities, energy companies, and government departments, Lunr empowers engineering teams to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently, fostering innovation and success.

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